Every 16 th June Africa commemorates the Soweto uprising. Africa remembers the courageous children who rose and sought for their rights to better education. Hundreds of them were shot to death and more than thousand injured. Today, the cry of the children is all over the African Continent reminding the leaders to reflect on the progress made towards children’s rights as well as the barriers they continue to face. Africa is a vast Continent with great resources but remains poor with many children suffering from hunger, malnutrition, poor education, lack of clean water, medical facilities, shelter and most of them face domestic violence and discrimination. The African child is not safe. The International Day of the African child draws attention to the lives of the African children and call upon the world to stop violence against them. Every child has the right to equality, the right to life and development, the right to respect her/his view and every decision made should be for the interest of the child. The Universal declaration of Human Rights was the first children’s rights instrument adopted by the UN general Assembly that states; “Every child is entitled to special care and assistance”.

Right Sight towards the celebration of International day of African child visited school of Ubungo district ward such as Temboni Secondary, Malamba Mawili primary and Secondary, Goba Primary and Secondary, Kimara Secondary school, Saranga Secondary School, Kinzugi Secondary, Fahari Secondary, Matosa Primary and secondary, King’ong’o Primary and Secondary with the assistance of Afisa Elimu and collaboration with other organization. The children reached was 15,000/.

The objective behind visiting the children at school was to shade light of their celebrated day “Day of African Child” and have an open and honest discussion on the social issues that schooling children in Dar es salaam City are facing in the day-to-day live hood. The shocking revelation we got from children in a very young age are facing the most despicable, horrific Gender based violence. They know nothing of how to site the danger environment, how to prevent, how to site the abuser, where and how to report it despite being threaten.

Gender based violence (GBV) remains a global challenge in Africa; Tanzania inclusive.

 As GBV defined as “harmful act that is perpetrated against a person will and that is socially ascribed (gender) which is difference between male and female. GBV has a great impact on women and children, as they are most of often the survivors and suffer of the great.

Literature and other study revealed that the major root cause of gender-based violence is discrimination perpetuated by customs, cultural and traditional setting that places women and children at the lower level of social relation.

Gender based violence that children are facing both male and female are victims. The horrific scenario is children faced GBV and are victimized by the people who were supposed to shield, protect and close to them. Children are no longer safe in their home, society, schools and even in the place of worshiping.

The type of Gender Violence that children are facing in the community includes;

Physical violence such as beating, punching, grabbing, maiming, Female genital mutilation (FGM).

Psychological violence includes verbal abuse, scolding, isolating, verbal humiliation, gesture annoyance, slandering and disgracing.

Sexual Abuse include rape, forced unprotected sex, touching of private parts without his or

her consent etc

Economic Violence; Lack of voice in economic right affecting one, failure to own property that one deserves, denial of basic necessity eg food, denial of education right, early marriage, denial of funds for attending health service by parent or guardian.

Challenges towards curbing Gender Based Violence

Attitude towards norms and behavior that are deep rooted in the families, homes and communities and institutionalized at all level and consequently producing a culture of social acceptance of gender violence, especially violence against children.

Some aspect of violence against children are socially and justified as inevitable of managing

conflict and view as normal way of life.

Fear of further violence prevents victims/survivors from taking action to prevent or respond to GBV and have a visible stand that can supported by neighborhood or authority.

Economy dependency locks children in circle of violence.

Lack of guts and decision-making power leave a women tied up the children in violence.

Moving forward

Right sight is dealing with advocating the right of disable children, will raise the voice and give child the voice to speak up about Gender based violence. The project of visiting children is still on going to reach more school giving them tools to face, prevent and make the ambassador to speak about Gender base violence to children.

celebrating day of african child at msamaria center