The 16days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence towards women and children is an International Civil society led campaign that take place each year. It commences on 25th November the international Day for the Elimination Violence against Women – 10th December, Human Right Day. It is an International Day of Elimination of violence against women, originated by activist at the inaugural women’s global leadership institute in 1991 and continue to be coordinated each year. It is used as an organization strategy by individual and organization around the world to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and children.

In 2022, the campaign is continuing its multiyear theme of “End Femicide” Tanzania slogan of 16 days of activism 2022 stated “Every Life matter: End Femicide and violence against women and children”

Orange color is used in 16 days of activism as it symbolizes bright future, free of violence.


  • The mission of 16days of Activism was and still is to educate society and fight to eradicate all the violence act towards women and children as the group which is most affected. Also, to remind the society on the following.
  1. What is the meaning of Gender based violence and type of violence.
  2. Reason to Gender Based Violence.
  3. Effect of Gender based Violence.
  4. How to deal with Gender Based Violence
  5. How, where and whom to report the case of Gender based Violence.


  • Teach the next generate and learn from them. As younger children are learning more for seeing and experience the live hood in their society. We should use the same method to teach the younger generation about the way to think about gender roles early on and challenged the tradition features and characteristics assigned to Men and Women. Also listen to young generation of what they have to say about their experience of the world, by empowering them with information and educate them about women’s right.


  • Listen to and believe survivors. Our culture has an attitude towards a woman who has experience violence that is “it’s a women fault”. The perpetrator is the sole reason for assault and must bear the responsibility alone. When a woman shares her story of violence, she takes the first step to breaking the cycle of abuse.


  • Learn the sign of abuse and how you can help. There are many forms of abuse and all of them can have serious physical and emotional effects. If the society at large are aware of signs of abuse, it’s easy to help a victim who may be experiencing violence or feels unsafe around someone.


  • Acknowledge that men are passed through violence inflicted to them by their wives. They are physical assaulted and denied the right to intimacy. A lot of men are bound by silence taboo within our culture. They are afraid of reporting by the reaction of the society and they don’t know where and whom to report the abuse and violence they are facing.


  • The emphasis the community to report Gender based violence, because the cruelest of the violence is to witness the violence and not reporting it. Every community member is responsible not to stay quiet, ignore or stopping the cruelty of Gender Based Violence. Reporting places are known by the Community or dial number 116 which is free.


  • There are harmful social norms that sustain Gender based violence include sexuality purity, protecting family honor over women safety and men’s authority to discipline women and children.


  • Recognize the role of gender in violence. While boys and men do experience abuse, it is important to remember that majority of victims of violence are female and majority of perpetrators of violence are boys and men.


  • The society to educate themselves on the root cause of violence, which will interrupt sexist and discriminatory language words are powerful, especially when used by people in power over other. we live in word where words are used to put down women and children.


  • Stop rape culture by not allowing people to minimize the effect of rape or normalize sexual assault and rape through jokes and call Gender based violence what it is- violence is not bulling.